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Three dimensional modelling of the effect of arterial pulse wave velocity and body size on left ventricular geometry

Three dimensional modelling of the effect of arterial pulse wave velocity and body size on left ventricular geometry

Aims : To determine the changes in LV geometry associated with aortic pulse wave velocity using 3D cardiac imaging of the heart.
There is a strong correlation between PWV, age and mean arterial blood pressure.
The models also demonstrated strong associations between PWV and wall thickness.
age is the strongest independent predictor of PWV.

Authors : Alenaini, Wareed, Declan P O’Regan, Antonio de Marvao, Timothy J Dawes, Wenzhe Shi, and Stuart A Cook.

Clinical Application : Vascular aging / Cardiac remodeling

Country : UK

Date Publication : 2015




Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health