Reproducibility of functional aortic analysis using magnetic resonance imaging: the MESA

Aims : To assess the test–retest, intra- and inter-reader reliability of thoracic aorta measurements by magnetic resonance imaging.
Several study participants spent two more or less spaced in time MRI to compare the different measured values.
All aortic variables were analyzed using the semi-automated software ARTFUN.
The results were almost similar. This study demonstrated that the measurement reliability of aortic variables is excellent.
MRI can provide a repeatable method of measuring aortic structural and functional parameters.

Authors : Noda C, Ambale Venkatesh B, Ohyama Y, Liu CY, Chamera E, Redheuil A, Teixido-Tura G, Chugh AR, Wu CO, Hundley GW, Bluemke DA, Lima JA

Clinical Application : Technical / Reproducibility

Country : USA

Date Publication : 2015


Number of citations : 19