Estimation of aortic pulse wave transit time in cardiovascular magnetic resonance using complex wavelet cross-spectrum analysis

Aims : To develop a robust TT measurement method which combines the robustness of frequency domain methods to low temporal resolution as well as the ability to restrict the analysis to the reflectionless systolic upslope.
the application of the wavelet approach to the usplopes of AA and DA flow curves provides the strongest correlations for the associations with age and cfPWV.
Thanks to its robustness to low temporal resolution, the wavelet-based approach can be of major usefulness to the analysis of CMR derived 4D flow data in the aortic arch.

Authors : Bargiotas I, Mousseaux E, Yu W, Venkatesh B, Bollache E, De Cesare A, Lima J, Redheuil A, Kachenoura N.

Clinical Application : Technical

Country : France

Date Publication : 2015


Number of citations : 16