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The association between aortic stiffness parameters and left ventricular deformation: preliminary results from the MESA 5 study

The association between aortic stiffness parameters and left ventricular deformation: preliminary results from the MESA 5 study

Aims : To study the relationship of PWV and aortic distensibility with left ventricular deformation measurement.

Authors : Chugh, Atul R, Kihei Yoneyama, Ola Gjesdal, Vishal C Mehra, Gisela Teixido-Tura, Doris Chen, Chia-Ying Liu, Alban Redheuil, David A Bluemke, and Joao A Lima

Clinical Application : Vascular aging / Cardiac remodeling

Country : USA

Date Publication : 2012




Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health