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Relationships between retinal arteriole anatomy and aortic geometry and function and peripheral resistance in hypertensives

Relationships between retinal arteriole anatomy and aortic geometry and function and peripheral resistance in hypertensives

Aims : To study the relationships between retinal arteriole anatomy and aortic geometry and function and peripheral resistance in hypertensives.

This tudy highlights that wall-to-lumen ratio of the retinal arterioles is a marker of blood pressure regimen, total resistance and remodeling of the distal arterial tree.
adaptive optics examination is a quick, reproducible and non-invasive technique that could represent a useful tool to follow changes in microvasculature associated with antihypertensive treatments.

Authors : Rosenbaum D, Kachenoura N, Koch E, Paques M, Cluzel P, Redheuil A, Girerd X

Clinical Application : Hypertension / Retina arterials / Peripheral resistance

Country : France

Date Publication : 2016


Number of citations : 9



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health