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Relationship between aortic distensibility and aortic regurgitation assessed by CMR in bicuspid valve patients

Relationship between aortic distensibility and aortic regurgitation assessed by CMR in bicuspid valve patients

Aims : To evaluate the relation between aortic distensibility and regurgitant fraction valve in bicuspid aortic valve patients.

All patients underwent a CMR study with phase contrast sequences for evaluation of regurgitant fraction at the level of the aortic valve.
Aortic regurgitation in bicuspid valve patients is related to aortic distensibility.
thus, aortic distensibility should be included in the evaluation of aortic regurgitation by CMR.

Authors : La Mura, L., Teixido-Tura, G., Guala, A., Ruiz-Munoz, A., Lopez Sainz, A., Valente, F., ... & Gonzalez-Alujas, T.

Clinical Application : Bicuspid Valve

Country : Spain

Date Publication : 2020




Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health