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Measurement of aortic arch pulse wave velocity in cardiovascular MR : Comparison of transit time estimators and description of a new approach

Measurement of aortic arch pulse wave velocity in cardiovascular MR : Comparison of transit time estimators and description of a new approach

Aims : To investigate the efficiency of  a new method to estimate transit time from CMR velocity curves.

Arch‐PWV estimated with CMR using the TT‐Upslope method was found to be reproducible and accurate, providing strong correlations with age and aortic stiffness indices.

aortic PWV estimated using CMR can vary between laboratories because different methodologies can be used

Authors : Dogui, A., Redheuil, A., Lefort, M., DeCesare, A., Kachenoura, N., Herment, A. and Mousseaux, E.

Clinical Application : Technical

Country : France

Date Publication : 2011


Number of citations : 75



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health