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Magnetic resonance and applanation tonometry for noninvasive determination of left ventricular load and ventricular vascular coupling in the time and frequency domain

Magnetic resonance and applanation tonometry for noninvasive determination of left ventricular load and ventricular vascular coupling in the time and frequency domain

Aims : aim: to characterize flow velocity wave patterns in the ascending aorta with age and their use with central (carotid) pressure waves to estimate ascending aortic impedance as left ventricular (LV) load and interpret vascular/ventricular interaction.
With increasing age, ascending aortic peak flow velocity decreased attributable to increase in aortic diameter.
Carotid pressure and aortic stiffness increased too with aging whereas ascending aortic flow pressure augmentation index

Authors : Adji, A., Kachenoura, N., Bollache, E., Avolio, A. P., O’Rourke, M. F., & Mousseaux, E.

Clinical Application : Technical

Country : France

Date Publication : 2016


Number of citations : 6



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health