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Hearts and minds: linking vascular rigidity and aerobic fitness with cognitive aging

Hearts and minds: linking vascular rigidity and aerobic fitness with cognitive aging

Aims : Age-related decline changes in executive function, aortic elasticity, and cardiorespiratory fitness

A positive association between aerobic fitness and executive function.

These results support the hypothesis that lifestyle helps maintain the elasticity of arteries, thereby preventing downstream cerebrovascular damage and resulting in preserved cognitive abilities in later life.

Authors : Gauthier, C. J., Lefort, M., Mekary, S., Desjardins-Crépeau, L., Skimminge, A., Iversen, P., … Hoge, R. D.

Clinical Application : Vascular aging / Fitness

Country : Canada

Date Publication : 2015


Number of citations : 64



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health