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Evolution of aortic wall thickness and stiffness with atherosclerosis: long-term follow up from the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis

Evolution of aortic wall thickness and stiffness with atherosclerosis: long-term follow up from the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis

Aims : To determine age, sex, and time-dependent changes in aortic wall thickness (AWT) and to evaluate cross-sectional associations between AWT and arterial stiffness in older adults.
Study participants had two MRI scans in 2000-02 and 2010-12 to compare their results.
The study showed that aortic wall thickness changes on average by 0.032 mm/year.
This thickening is higher for younger individuals in the study (between 45 and 54 years old).
This thickening is more important in men than in women.
Hypertensive subjects have increased aortic stiffness independent of aortic wall thickness.
For subjects without hypertension, an increase in the aortic wall thickness is linked to age and makes it possible to identify people with a higher risk of atherosclerosis.

Authors : Liu, C. Y., Chen, D., Bluemke, D. A., Wu, C. O., Teixido-Tura, G., Chugh, A., Hundley, W. G.

Clinical Application : Atherosclerosis / Vascular aging

Country : USA

Date Publication : 2015


Number of citations : 29



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health