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Automated estimation of aortic strain from steady‐state free‐precession and phase contrast MR images

Automated estimation of aortic strain from steady‐state free‐precession and phase contrast MR images

Aims : Strain values estimated using SSFP and PC sequences were equally correlated with age.
Reproducibility was better for SSFP than for PC.
Better results from SSFP than PC sequences can thus be obtained for aortic strain analysis when local assessment of aortic stiffness is required.
PC acquisitions are complementary to SSFP acquisitions and will also give further flow informations and allow accurate PWV assessment for the estimation of regional aortic stiffness.

Authors : Herment, Alain et al.

Clinical Application : Asymptomatic / Technical

Country : France

Date Publication : 2010


Number of citations : 35



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health