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Aortic Distensibility, Assessed by MRI, is Decreased in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Elevated LDL-C

Aortic Distensibility, Assessed by MRI, is Decreased in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Elevated LDL-C

Aims : To determine whether children with T1DM and elevated LDL-C have evidence of aortic stiffness using cardiac MRI.
Adolescents with T1DM and elevated LDL-C have a stiffer aorta than healthy non-diabetic patients; stiffness is directly related to diabetes control and may be a viable measure of subclinical atherosclerotic disease.

Authors : McCulloch, Michael A., et al.

Clinical Application : Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Country : France

Date Publication : 2012




Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health