Aortic Arch Pulse Wave Velocity Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Incident Cardiovascular Events: The MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis)
Aims : To evaluate the correlation between aortic arch pulse wave velocity and cardiovascular accidents in Mesa.
There is a significant relation between arch PWV and the age.
Arch PWV increased steeply in a middle-aged population compared to an elderly population.
Aortic arch pulse wave velocity assessed by MRI is a significant predictor of risk of cardiovascular disease, but mainly for a population aged under 55 years (45-54 years old in the study).
The pulse wave velocity is a good indicator of vascular aging.
Authors : Ohyama Y, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Noda C, Kim JY, Tanami Y, Teixido-Tura G, Chugh AR, Redheuil A, Liu CY, Wu CO, Hundley WG, Bluemke DA, Guallar E, Lima JAC
Clinical Application : Atherosclerosis / Vascular aging / Cardiovascular risk
Country : USA
Date Publication : 2018
Number of citations : 24