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Abnormalities in aortic properties: a potential link between left ventricular diastolic function and ventricular—aortic coupling in sickle cell disease

Abnormalities in aortic properties: a potential link between left ventricular diastolic function and ventricular—aortic coupling in sickle cell disease

Aims : Compared to controls, SCD patients had increased aortic diastolic area, global stroke volume, and both forward and backward flow, while aortic distensibility and peripheral blood pressure were similar.
The elevation in backward flow was even more pronounced in patients with diastolic dysfunction.

This study show that some aortic properties are altered in SCD patients and may be associated with diastolic dysfunction despite normal systolic blood pressure.

Authors : Bollache E, Kachenoura N, Lang RM, Desai AA, Mor-Avi V, Patel AR

Clinical Application : Sickle cell disease / Cardiac remodeling

Country : France

Date Publication : 2016


Number of citations : 2



Precision medicine in Cardiovascular Health